Bluebird version 4.0 has been released!

by @pinguin2001 at 08/12/2023 11:18

Bluebird version 4.0 features many new features such as split tabs, allowing the user to display two tabs side by side, and a redesigned browser menu.

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Split Tabs allows you to put websites side by side for seamless multitasking, without having to open a new window.

The browser menu has been redesigned to help you quickly find what you need, allowing you to quickly create a split tab or change a setting

Full changelog

build(deps): bump Microsoft.UI.Xaml from 2.8.5 to 2.8.6
bump Microsoft.Web.WebView2 from 1.0.2045.28 to 1.0.2151.40
feat(Search engines): Add Brave Search
feat: About dialog
feat: Favorites deletion
feat: Missing WebView2 runtime warning
feat: New browser menu
feat: New favorites flyout
feat: Remove experimental FRE
feat: Settings refresh
feat: Split tabs
fix: Memory leak when closing tabs
refactor(Bluebird.Modules): Integrate QRCoder into Bluebird.Modules, removed unused functionality
refactor: Favorites backend