Welcome to my new website!

by @pinguin2001 at 22/07/2023 18:42

My website has received a complete rewrite, it is now easier to navigate, loads faster and works better on old browsers.
I have also improved in accessibility, all images now have a "alt" tag and screenreaders are now able to describe these.

Another motivation was that the old website didn´t work properly on older browsers like Edge 15 on Windows 10 Mobile or Internet Explorer, and since many of you are using this website on these webbrowsers, I had to change something about it.

Just like on the old website, you are able to download various apps.
But there is also something new, I now have a blog 🎉

I am going to post news about this website, new app releases and various other projects from time to time.

I hope you have a nice day and enjoy my new website!